Golden Touch Blackjack
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Book Description: Golden Touch Blackjack Revolution! Contains Speed Count, the easiest advantage blackjack method ever developed for the general public.It will forever change the way average players play blackjack. If you are an average blackjack.
Exclusive for Golden Touch readers: Free full 3 month membership to Blackjack Insider e-newsletter. Published monthly, with new articles on blackjack and advantage gambling. Published monthly, with new articles on blackjack. Golden Touch Blackjack Revolution! By Frank Scoblete featuring the revolutionary and incredibly simple, yet powerful, Speed Count and the matching Optimum Basic Strategy (OBS). In 10 minutes you can. Dominic LoRiggio is known as 'the Dominator' in gambling circles and in the past several years he has made a gigantic impact on casino craps gambling with his Golden Touch™ Craps™ dice control. Golden touch blackjack to teach brand new advantage method This simple to play yet powerful method gives players a verifiable, mathematical edge over the casinos. New York — Four of the world's best.
Speed Count training DVD now available to the general public! Orders for Golden Touch Blackjack Revolution DVD being accepted now... CLICK HERE. |
Since Speed Count is marketed as a private course, you want to know that it works. To help you gain the confidence that the system is as good as we say, we've engaged independent gaming industry consultants to review and test Speed Count under Non-Disclosure terms (i.e. they get to see everything about the system and provide their feedback, but can't disclose the details of Speed Count). The following professional reviews have been completed to date.
Note that Speed Count has been fully simulated, tested, verified and audited with a professional Blackjack simulator, Blackjack Audit, and these results are provided in the course and to all reviewers.
Review by John Grochowski:
'For someone who plays a lot of blackjack but has never been able to get past basic strategy, Speed Count seems tailor-made... What I found is that Speed Count is exactly what it is purported to be... an entry-level card counting system, an innovative little number with a base that’s different from more difficult counts... There’s plenty of time to look around with the casino, chat up the cocktail waitress, ask the dealer about the family and just have fun with the game.'
Click here to read John's full review.
Review by Fred Renzey
Golden Touch Blackjack Speed Count
Fred Renzey published an independent analysis and review of Speed Count in an article titled 'World's Easiest Card Counting Systems', in Midwest Gaming and Travel. Fred replicated our edges and data for Speed Count, and confirms it's positive performance even in 6 deck games.
Review by Dr. Catlin:
We asked Dr. Don Catlin, an independent gaming industry consultant and professor of Mathematics at University of Massachusetts, to review Speed Count. Mr. Catlin used his own blackjack simulator software to test Speed Count and verify our performance data. Here are his comments:

Comments by Dr. Don Catlin:
'Speed Count is the easiest card counting system I have encountered. I designed and ran a simulation of the Regular Speed Count using a 6 deck Blackjack game with doubling after splitting, dealer hits the soft 17, late surrender, split up to three times (total of four hands), Aces are split once and receive one card each. My result was that the players edge per game was 1.014% and was 0.33% per unit wagered; this was based on 1 billion hands.'
Notes: We ran identical simulations in Blackjack Audit as a benchmark to compare against Dr. Catlin's work. The exact benchmark game was: six decks, DAS, H17, 75% penetration, no resplitting aces, one card draw to split aces, max three splits, no insurance ('regular' Speed Count, without insurance, wonging, hand spreading, or higher bet spread). With a one billion round simulation in Audit, the identical game generated a player edge (total profit divided by sum of all wager) of 0.3364%. Hence, the difference from Dr. Catlin's simulation was only 0.0064% (1.9% difference) in player expectation. This independent analysis based on completely different simulation software provides further evidence supporting the Speed Count card counting system.
Dr. Catlin has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and an M.A. in Mathematics, both from Penn State University. He has have a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Florida. He was a Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Massachusetts from 1965 to 2001. Since 1995 he has been involved in gaming analysis and writes the monthly mathematics column for the web site In September of last year he published a soft cover book entitled The Lottery Book, The Truth Behind the Numbers.
Review by Michael Shackleford:
Here are the official comments from Michael Shackleford, who runs the excellent blackjack portal
Golden Touch Blackjack Revolution
Comments by Michael Shackleford:
'The authors of Speed Count were kind enough to share their strategy with me. While I can't explain the concept in detail I can say it bridges the jump from basic strategy to conventional card counting. Speed Count is appropriate for the basic strategy player who wishes to gain an advantage with less effort than conventional hi-low card counting. Built in camouflage I believe will help the Speed Counter confuse counter-catchers and thus buy more bet variation. That will roughly compensate for lost accuracy relative to a hi-low count. Although I have not personally verified the claims of Speed Count I have looked at simulation results provided to me by Dan Pronovost and believe they are trustworthy. So if you are a basic strategy player ready to take the next step, or have tried a hi-low count and found it too difficult, then the Speed Count may be just what you're looking for to start winning at blackjack.'
Review by Bill Burton at
Golden Touch Blackjack Free

Here is a segment of Bill Burton's review of the Golden Touch Blackjack Course (which he attended). Bill is the author and editor for the web pages on casino gambling. You can read his complete review at:
Review by Bill Burton:
'I attended the two day course and was surprised with the ease in learning the speed count method. In the past I have studied the Hi/Lo count but had difficulty utilizing it in the casino. I switched to the KO method but fond that I could not sustain it for long. I learned the speed count in two days and was able to easily use it at the casino. The course is very hands on. You learn by playing and practicing at the blackjack table with other students in a simulated game situation. If you can learn basic strategy then you can learn the speed count.'
Review by Al Rogers, Editor for
Al Rogers, the online editor for the well-known and popular blackjack portal, took the Golden Touch Blackjack course in the spring in Las Vegas. Here are his comments:
Comments by Al Rogers:
'I took the Golden Touch Blackjack course in Las Vegas last weekend, and was pleasantly surprised. It was held at a non-casino location, but with regulation tables, chips, and cards for the students to practice with. The instructors did a thorough job with their presentation, and there was plenty of time for practice. The instructors were patient and informative, and I believe that all the students felt they got more than their money's worth.'
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